
Friday 10 June 2016

Spider can be small, but you have to be cation!

Spiders has another name which is Araneae. They can’t be found in the polar regions or Antarctica. They are air breathers  and they eat insects, frogs, birds and woodlice. They are not insects but they are arachnids.

Scorpions, Mites, Ticks and Harvestmen are related to spiders. When there is a abandon spiderwebs, it's called Cobwebs. There are over 40,000 species of spiders around the world. They are the 7th world with the big populations.

A female spider can lay up to 3,000 eggs. Patu Digua are the smallest spider in the world which can only be found in Colombia. A Banana spider are the poisonous spider in the world which can be found in Brazil. Some spiders can harm people and some can’t.

Spiders blood is blue which humans have red blood. They can come in any size. So if you see a big spider, it could be poisonous and if you see a small one, it could be not harmful to human, but be cation.

Spider can look ugly, but they are very good on catching their own food.

WALHT: Identify key ideas and use them to write an information report

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